I am pretty big on the "experience" that comes with consuming any sort of drink. On rainy days when I am pondering life and looking out the window, I generally go for tea. However, not just a tea bag, but actually using a teapot. Though tea bags are convenient and while I am typing this very blog, I am drinking tea from a tea bag, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. Why loose-leaf tea over tea bags? When you steep loose-tea, the leaves will have space to absorb water and expand (they should expand noticeably) as they fuse. This allows the leaves to extract more vitamins, minerals, flavor, and aroma. Tea bags are only dust and fannings, and lower quality. Due to it only being dust, there is not much of a flavor profile and the tea is not as fresh. 
When it comes to getting your caffeine fix however, there are a couple of options: Green or black tea. Green Tea is arguably one of the healthiest forms of caffeine. Green tea has been proven to boost brain function and protect against heart diseases, much better than black tea. Though both teas have a million benefits that make healthier alternatives to coffee. Coffee releases stress hormones, and can cause your blood pressure to rise. Black and green tea provide alternatives of caffeine intake that can relax you, provide more health benefits, and give you a steady caffeine boost rather than a caffeine high-caffeine crash.


  1. I'm a tea lover myself, but unfortunately I'm also guilty of choosing convenience over flavor. I didn't realize just how much was lost by picking a tea bag over brewing a pot yourself. I can't wait to finally use the loose tea I have sitting at home. Thank you for writing this!


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